The Unchanging Sea
I have been looking closely these days at the personal life and filmography of D. W. Griffith - and I've come up with some book-worthy ideas (to be revealed at a later date when I iron a few things out). Today I want to highlight Griffith's culminating effort of his first California Expedition with Biograph in 1910: The Unchanging Sea starring Mary Pickford. Analysis aside for now, I am taken by the scenery. Griffith shot this entire film - all thirteen or so minutes of it - on location in Santa Monica. A century ago this was not the sprawling beach community it is today. But with a little imagination you can almost see the buildings, the pier, the traffic, the crowds...
Okay maybe not but but I will say this: the hillside and beach haven't changed much at all. Enjoy the film - inspired by Charles Kingley's poem: The Three Fishers.
With compliments, Keith