Books and Essays

I am currently researching material for two projects: first, an essay on D. W. Griffith's controversial 1915 silent film on the Civil War and Reconstruction: The Birth of a Nation, and second, a book-length project on Union monuments on the Gettysburg Battlefield. I’ve made an appearance or two on C-SPAN and contributed to a number of scholarly and popular publications including New American History, The Journal the Abraham Lincoln Association, The Civil War Monitor, The Journal of American History, Southern Historian, The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Emerging Civil War, and Civil War History.

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Across the Bloody Chasm

My first book - a look at the commemorative efforts of Civil War veterans of both Union and Confederate armies. 

Mastering the past

If you are a high school student and want to really CRUSH history class…I wrote this for you.

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Cold Harbor to the Crater

Edited by Gary W. Gallagher and Caroline E. Janney - I offer my take on Confederates' prospects for victory in mid-1864

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Civil War Witnesses and their Books

Edited by Gary W. Gallagher and Stephen Cushman - I weigh in on John D. Billings’s Hardtack and Coffee