The Americanist Independent - Volume Two, Issue One
Greetings all - The very first issue of the second volume of The Americanist Independent has hit the web! Aren't you excited? I know I am... Why? Because I am hearing from all corners of the globe (which is really a ball and thus has no corners...but you know what I mean) that open access is the way to go and that my readers are really excited.
Anyway, this issue features a great piece by Saul Rollason on the origins of the Delta Blues in the slave and Reconstruction era South, an engaging look by Jared Frederick on the recent Confederate battle flag controversy in South Carolina, historical fiction author Gar LaSalle tells us how he goes about researching and bringing history alive in his novels, and finally, a review by yours truly on the Clint Eastwood war drama, American Sniper.
You can read the issue by clicking HERE
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And if you would like to catch up on the last two previous issues, click the links below:
With compliments,