Motorcycles Motorcycles Motorcycles
Last evening I ventured out to the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale to attend the museum opening reception of Vroom: The Art of the Motorcycle. There were drinks, meatballs, and of course a bunch of very cool vintage bikes. We had an up close look at some Harleys, Indians, and even an old Crocker. And you know what else, a picture of me modeling (yes modeling) some retro motorcycle gear turned up in a display for NLAMC. For reals.
Here is a brief write up on the exhibit from the museum website:
Vroom: The Art of the Motorcycle is a meticulously curated exhibition that will offer an in-depth look at the dynamic history of motorcycle culture, featuring some of the most beautiful, historic, rare and collectable vintage motorcycles; one-of-a-kind hand-painted motorcycle helmets, previously worn by world and national racing champions; painted motorcycle gas tanks and fenders; as well as paintings, sculpture and photographs by a dozen of today’s most celebrated motorcycle artists—many of whom are Southern California natives and/or residents.
The exhibit runs until January 5 so if you are near Glendale you should stop in. If you can't make it - enjoy these few snaps I took last evening.
With compliments,