Is the Civil War Sesquicentennial Losing Steam?
I don't know, maybe it's just me. But it seems that for the last year, Civil War sesquicentennial events have sort of lost their punch. Sure, I have seen a number of things mentioned on Facebook and elsewhere noting this or that 2014 sesquicentennial event, but nothing to equal the whoop-dee-do of last summer: the grand event to beat all grand events...the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg.
There are two things that could explain this, at least in the East. One, Gettysburg is the last of the big set-piece battles. 1864 was more of a long military grind to an even longer siege with no really big flag-raising show stoppers. Two, much of the celebrating/commemorating goes on in the South - where white southerners do a lot of the commemorating. Now if you hold true to the Appomattox Syndrome (I'll explain if you ask), there is really not much to get excited about.
At any rate, this is just something that I am picking up as I do my usual perusing around the Internet. What do you think?
With compliments,